Thursday, February 25, 2010

Round Three!

Round three of Report Night was our biggest one yet- growing from a modest eleven and thirteen in the first two rounds, to nearly double that amount at twenty-three. I’m doing everyone a bit disservice with what I’m covering here, since everyone’s report was really rich in information, but here’s just a tidbit to recap what was shared:
Angie kicked things off in her report on French artist Yves Klein, a quintessential figure in the European avant art movement. She showed a couple of painting that he did during his “blue period” (blue representing the spirit), and showed a video of him doing a painting by taking nude female models, dunking them in water, flattening them against a giant canvas and blowtorching the areas around the models to represent that absence of things.

Next was Maria how gave a presentation on Tarot Cards which have origins in Egypt and gaining popularity in the United States during the 20s/30s. She showed a couple of examples of different Tarot card decks (“There’s one to fit any lifestyle!”) include an excellent set from no other than Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which were most excellent.

Justin did a presentation on friendly and invasive species in Washington State. Pictures were accompanied by “Yayees!” and “Boos!” depending on what type of plant it was. The Himalayan Blackberry, a C noxious (aka obnoxious) weed has been responsible for many a team building day for us Ameri-friends. Justin’s presentation had to be cut a little due to time constraints, but next month should bring part two of Justin’s presentation.

Thom did a report on Zoroastrianism- the basic tenet espousing that “if you live your life in good principle, that’s good enough.” Thom also played Richard Strauss’s “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” which is coincidentally the theme from the 2001 Space Odyssey. Another fun fact: Zoroastrianism has a practice of putting the dead on top of towers to be picked apart by the birds. Ack.

To finish it off Steve did a report on Beekeeping. Beekeeping came into effect in the United States after WWI. While there are over twenty two thousand different types of bees, honey is only produced by the honey bees, who also happen to be the most effective pollinators. If you are into some good local honey, Steve gave some snaps to the gentlemen over at the Ballard market with the funny hat. Dude knows what’s up.

Next month we’re Report Nightin’ over at Lauren’s place out in Beacon Hill. Stay tuned.